Auto noma, Portimao, Portugal

Best car rental deals from local rental companies

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  • Bezmaksas rezervāciju atcelšana
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  • Pārbaudīti un uzticami iznomātāji
What are People Saying
  • Small_carrent
    Auto nomas uzņēmums
    "Ir prieks sastrādāties ar partneriem, kuri veiksmīgi realizē savas biznesa idejas, vienlaicīgi ņemot vērā gan klientu vēlmes, gan arī partneru rūpes."
  • Small_ilze_vilskerste_m
    Ilze Vilšķērste
    SIA Motiacilla
    "RentMama ir kā dāvana! Es jau divas reizes izmantoju jūsu pakalpojumus, un abas reizes dabūju tieši tādu auto, kādu vēlējos."
  • Small_kristofsblaus
    Kristofs Blaus
    Creo Mobi
    "3 vārdos - strādāja baigi cool. Patīk!"


Portimão is the biggest town in the western Algarve and sits on the bank of the Arade river facing Ferragudo on the opposite bank. Portimão's atlantic beach of Praia da Rocha has, over the years, become a resort in it's own right with lots of hotels and apartments, restaurants and bars, discos and clubs and shops.

There are also plenty of bars, restaurants and café’s where you can sit for a bite to eat or a drink and watch the town carry on around you. To see the more relaxed side of Portimão, wander down to the river front, where the 'Manuel Bivar' gardens are, and have an ice-cream or a coffee at one of the cafe's along the front. You will also find Portimão's famous fish restaurants at the end of the waterfront near the bridge - just follow the aroma of sardines barbecuing!

The roads in and around Portimão are quite confusing and congested, especially if you end up in the narrow back streets where everyone parks on both sides of the road. There is plenty of car parking around the town, and there is a particularly large free car park on the waterfront which is very easy to find if you approach from Portimão marina end and follow the river. There is also a large underground paying carpark in the centre of Portimão (just follow the signs for 'centro' and you can't miss it!).

* Information from