Rent a 2007 Volkswagen Golf

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Volkswagen Golf, 2007 Details

Car equipment

  • 5
  • 5
  • 39

Payment methods

  • Kreditkarte
  • Kundenkarte
  • Wertkarte
  • Bargeld
  • Vorauszahlungsrechnung

Working hours

  • Mo: 00:00-23:30
  • Di: 00:00-23:30
  • Mi: 00:00-23:30
  • Do: 00:00-23:30
  • Fr: 00:00-23:30
  • Sa: 00:00-23:30
  • So: 00:00-23:30

Company ratings


Whats included?

  • Obligatorische Haftpflichtversicherung
  • Vollkaskoversicherung / Selbstbehalt 426.86 EUR
  • Todesfallversicherung / Selbstbehalt 782.58 EUR
  • Versicherung gegen Diebstahl / Selbstbehalt 426.86 EUR
  • Unfallversicherung
  • Alle Steuern und Gebühren
  • Lieferung / Rückgabe an der Kundenadresse, auf Nachfrage
  • Zusätzliche Fahrer auf Anfrage
  • Unbegrenzte Kilometer
  • 24h Pannenhilfe
  • Kaution nicht notwendig

Whats not included?

  • Zusätzliche Ausstattung wie GPS, Kindersitz usw. (vor Ort zu bezahlen)

Available locations

  • Riga
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Customer Ratings for Volkswagen Golf, 2007

loti patikami un laba sadarbiba
By Ugis U. , 13 Apr 2015

loti patikami un laba sadarbiba

Laba apkalpošana un patīkma atsaucība un arī pi...
By Marina V. , 30 Aug 2014

Laba apkalpošana un patīkma atsaucība un arī pieklājīgas atlaides

Company Offered free of charge child seat and d...
By Juris N. , 12 Sep 2013

Company Offered free of charge child seat and delivery to airport. Had some problems with car, but overall service was good.

I had an excellent experience with this company...
By Renata L. , 4 Okt 2012

I had an excellent experience with this company. they were very efficient and attentions. I will definitely use their service again and I will also recommend it to anyone.

pirms nemt auto jaapaarbauda lietas kas pasam i...
By Ritvars D. , 13 Jun 2012

pirms nemt auto jaapaarbauda lietas kas pasam ir svariigas.. :) manaa gadijumaa mani intereseeja radio un kondicionieris :) un tiesi taas lietas nedarbojaas manaa gadijumaa.. bet visaa visumaa viss noriteeja loti labi un vinu noteikumi ir loti pretiimnaakosi! noteikti izmantosu veel..

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