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safe driving

Still don’t believe that seat belts can save your life? You should read this!

By Driving tips

Seat belts are the single most effective traffic safety device for preventing death and injury on the roads (Source: National Safety Council).

Statistics reveal that 87 per cent of people wear seat belts however more than half of all crash fatalities were people who weren’t wearing seat belts. Incidentally, seat belt use is higher in U.S States that enforce mandatory seat belt laws (Source: NHTSA].

Research has found that seat belts can reduce the risk of fatal injury to front-seat passengers by 45 percent and the risk of moderate-to-critical injury by 50 percent (Source: NHTSA).

Choosing to wear your seat belt is a crucial decision that may save you from serious injury, or potentially save your life. Read More

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Increasing Your Speed by 1% Can Increase Your Chance of Having a Crash By 4%!

By Driving tips

Most people are aware of global advertising campaigns that ‘Speed Kills’, but why is the problem continuing and so wide spread?

Choosing to speed when driving is a broad problem.  Speeding drivers come in all shapes and sizes, and cross all racial, gender, economic and social definitions.

Research has shown that you are more likely to kill a pedestrian when driving at 40 miles per hour rather than 30 miles per hour, proving that the risks in pushing your speedometer up far outweigh the gains. Read More

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Driving in Winter Wonderland… Are You Prepared??

By Driving tips

Walking in a winter wonderland can be a fabulous experience with its blankets of snow, hanging icicles and layers of crisp frost in the air. Yet for drivers, the beauty of winter can bring an avalanche of problems to the roads. Slippery streets, low lying fog and nervous drivers behind the wheel can all contribute to higher risks and this is when safe driving becomes even more imperative. It’s essential to consider safe driving tips when the cold starts to close in and to take a good look at your car, your driving habits and the weather outside before venturing out. These driving tips are here to help ensure that you stay safe on the roads this winter. Read More

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More than 1 person per Hour is Dying because of Drunk Driving!

By Driving tips

Around one-third of all auto accident fatalities in the United States involve drivers impaired by alcohol. The numbers are even higher in Europe – In the EU as a whole, around 2-3% of journeys are associated with an illegal Blood Alcohol Limit (BAC), resulting in 30-40% of driver deaths (ESCAPE 2003, ETSC 2003).

These accidents led to 10,322 deaths in US in 2012 alone and were attributed to a driver with an illegal blood-alcohol concentration (Source: NHTSA).   65% were drivers, 27% were occupants of the vehicle and 8% were non-occupants, with an average of one person dying in a drunk driving accident every 51 minutes.

The majority of those deaths could’ve been avoided if the drivers involved simply hadn’t gotten behind the wheel while drunk. Read More

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