Rent your car in Marco de canaveses, Portugal

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What are People Saying
  • Small_arican
    Arican Wegter
    CEO GlibHippo
    "Its great that I can rent out the exact car I want!"
  • Small_mohammed_hussain_motion_car_hire_small
    Mohammed Hussain
    Motion Car Hire
    " offers fantastic opportunities to small rental company’s such as ourselves and we are excited to work with them."
  • Small_hampus_jakabson
    Hampus Jakobsson
    Co-founder of TAT
    "I think RentMama could revolutionize the car rental market."


The city of Marco Canaveses is strongly influenced by its topography, with mainly areas at altitudes between 200 and 600 meters, reaching the highest levels in Aboboreira and Montedeiras Mountains. The highest point of the county is situated at an altitude of 962 meters, in Aboboreira Mountain, which is shared by the municipalities of Marco de Canaveses, Amarante and Baião. In Montedeiras Mountain is reached a peak of 640 meters. To the north it lies the Marão Mountain, in the municipality of Amarante. The region is also traversed by two of the most important Portuguese rivers, the Douro river and Tâmega river. The Douro, reaching from "Trás-os-Montes" region (interior north of Portugal), east to west course, limits the county to the south, separating it from the municipalities of Cinfães and Castelo de Paiva. The Tâmega, north to south course, limits much of the County to the west, separating it from the Municipality of Penafiel. Another river that runs along the county is the Ovelha River, reaching from the Municipality of Amarante. The City of Marco de Canaveses is located 56 km away from Porto, 18 km away from Amarante, the 19 km away from Penafiel, 18 km away from Baião and 30 km away from Cinfães.

* Information from