Auto noma Czech Republic

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Most popular locations in Čehu Republika

  • Prāga

    Prague is the Czech Republic’s capital and largest city and a major tourist destination in Europe. Spanning the banks of the Vltava River, it is undoubtedly the Czech Republic’s tourist honeypot a...

The Czech Republic is one of Europe’s most fascinating destinations with picturesque cities, medieval castles, spa towns and wholesome food.

From the beautiful capital city of Prague to rolling countryside quilted with mountains and dense forests, you will find your itinerary in this country fills quickly with interesting places to see and things to do.

Visiting the Czech Republic today means you’ll experience a country born on the back of centuries of heritage that has left amazing architecture and a strong culture to discover.


A brief history

The Czech Republic has been influenced by extensive religious, political and royal rulings over centuries from the Great Morovian Empire and the Přemyslid Dynasty, to the Habsburg Monarchs and the Communist Regime.

After World War I, the republic of Czechoslovakia declared its independence which was relatively short lived as the country was occupied by Germany then Russia for most of the 20th century.

In the last decade of the 20th century, the Communist Regime resigned and the country was split into the Czech Republic (Bohemia and Moravia) and Slovak Republic (Slovakia).

These influences have shaped the language and culture of the Czech Republic, epecially evident in the countryside, and have left history books filled with stories, tremendous art collections and a landscape full of baroque buildings, fine churches and quaint villages.

Today, the Czech Republic is a member of both NATO and the European Union and major industries include motor vehicles, fuels and machinery.


When to go

The peak season to visit the Czech Republic is during the warmer months (between May and September), with July and August coinciding with school holidays so you will find it busy especially in Prague.  Peak season means more tourists, higher accommodation prices and more traffic as the Czech people escape to the countryside for their vacations.  However is also the time when major festivals occur, and stunning castles and galleries host events and performances.

April and October are nice shoulder season months to visit the Czech Republic as the weather is mostly fine, prices are lower for travel-related costs and there are less crowds.

In winter months, it can be bitterly cold with snow in the countryside and many attractions such as museums and castles closed, however you can go skiing in the mountain resorts or visit the lovely Christmas market in Brno and listen to pipers as you drink festive wine in České Budějovice.


Getting around

The Czech Republic has extensive train and bus networks, with buses being faster but more expensive for longer journeys. 

Hiring a rental car is an excellent option as it offers the fastest journey between two destinations and you can cross the country in less than 6 hours.  Major roads in the Czech Republic are well maintained, and aside from peak summer months you won’t find much congestion.

If you intend on doing lots of touring, a rental car is convenient and well considered especially if you want to visit areas outside of Prague.


Meet the locals

Czech people generally speak in quiet voices in public places so be mindful of your volume on public transport or in restaurants.  However, don’t be fooled by their hushed voice as they are very approachable and have wide interests ranging from music and arts to hiking and all manner of outdoor pursuits.  Head to the northern Czech Republic for hiking with the locals along the River Kamenice, or buy a ticket for an opera performance in Prague.

The Czech Republic is well known for its liquid delights and has some of the best beers in the world. Drop into a traditional brewery to sample some lager, or try a tipple of Becherovka, which is unique herbal liqueur from Karlovy Vary.

There are many annual festivals in Czech Republic which give you the chance to learn about the culture.  Immerse yourself in traditional festivities at Easter or Christmas, or follow the crowds for Hromnice (Groundhog Day) or the Burning of the Witches festival.


Culture & customs

The Czech Republic offers visitors a charming mix of modern and medieval culture and customs.  Food and craftsmanship are important elements to a Czech’s life story.

Make sure you take the time to savour traditional Czech cuisine such as svickova (braised beef sirloin in creamy sauce, cranberry compote, and bread dumplings), or order an open-face sandwich from a streetside kiosk brimming with přeštice (pork sausage) or Czech meatloaf.

You’ll find traditional craftsman skilled at creating Bohemian glass and porcelain, don’t miss the chance to visit a glass factory in Beroun or Karlovy Vary and buy your own souvenir to take home.

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