Auto noma Warsaw, Poland

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Warsaw is the capital city of Poland. It is also the largest city with a population of more than 2 million residents. While other cities in Poland might be known for their beauty, Warsaw offers its own charms, in addition to, being the centre of culture and energy.

Warsaw is currently experiencing a real estate and construction boom and is attracting plenty of new businesses to the city. Known for being the birth place of famous physicist Marie Curie and the home of the pierogi, Warsaw offers a plethora of exciting street festivals, art exhibits and other cultural events.


What to See

Łazienki Park is one of the most popular parks in Warsaw. Notable features that define this picturesque park include the landscaped gardens, an orangery and an amphitheatre that is said to be loosely based on the Herculaneum. There is also an art-deco style monument dedicated to Polish-born Romantic era composer and virtuoso pianist, Frédéric Chopin. On Sundays, you will find this park and palace complex filled with families that want to enjoy the outdoor weather.

Old Town

If you want to take in Poland's unique sense of history, a visit to the Old Town should be just what you are looking for. As the oldest part of Warsaw, the Old Town was founded in the 13th century as the residential grounds of the Mazovian princes. During World War II, almost all of this portion of the city was destroyed, but was subsequently rebuilt. Today, it is a lively place featuring art galleries, cafés and restaurants.

Warsaw Uprising Museum

The Warsaw Uprising Museum is located in the Wola district and is a museum dedicated to the memory of the Warsaw Uprising that took place in 1944. The museum features many interesting artefacts from the Polish Underground State. A walk through the museum will make the stories and memories of the German occupation of Poland during World War II come alive.

After you're done in Warsaw...

While these are just a few of the exciting finds that you will discover while in Warsaw, a quick drive can allow you to check out some interesting nearby locations.

Kampinoski National Park

If you are looking for a natural adventure, Kampinoski National Park is under an hour's drive away from Warsaw. This is the second largest park in Poland and is the largest national park in northern Europe. Within the park you will find many interesting historical curiosities, such as a Roman-style Abbey built in the 12th century. The park also features over 5,000 different species of animals and a bird sanctuary.

Palace and Museum in Nieborów and Arkadia

For history enthusiasts, Radziwiłł Palace and Museum in Nieborów and Arkadia feature a vast art and furniture collection ranging from the 17th to the 19th centuries. This historical site is located roughly 80 km outside of Warsaw.

Warsaw may not be for everyone. However, as you explore the historical areas and cultural destinations of the city, you will find a unique culture and vibe will make your trip truly enjoyable.